fat kid goes down

so at a certain lawnfete over the weekend i bet my friend a chicken finger that he couldnt knock over a fat kid…needless to say, he was up for the challenge…theres a lot more to this story, but this is all you need to see
Explore Kyle Cuviello

:lol: that was funny

that’s fucking mean lol

was it some random person? if so then thats gay

grow up.

hahaha ur cool.

not :bloated:

cant wait till shit like that comes back to bite you in the ass, and by bite you in the ass, i mean i hope he clubs ur face in with a baseball bat

i think you and ur friend need to grow up if ur knockin fat kids ova for chicken fingers so you guys can get fatter.

wow, whats up psycho. im sure youve NEVER done anything that was funny yet mean before…

please dont act like a fucking wackjob on the forums, it really turns the place into something shitty :tup:

i understood the first part of this sentance, but then you threw grammar out the window with that last segment

do you think they really needed to push the fatso over to eat the chicken fingers? im pretty sure they would have eaten them regardless :tup:

im a big guy, and i used to get pushed around and made fun of like that. Its not cool, its not funny, and its borderline being a bully.

Im sure theres just a hilarious back story to this :bloated:


no, no i havent randomly knocked someone over and thought it was funny. Grow the fuck up.

im waiting for the rest of the story… if u just pushed the fat guy over for no reason, thats PFG…

:lol: shut the fuck up dude

I guess what I’m failing to understand here is… how is knocking someone over publically different from insulting someone in a drunken stupor… cutting someone off on the thruway, not sending your grandma a thank you card for the terrible birthday gift she got you when you were 12, or even some huge real estate mogul raping landowners on lot costs?

Everyone conciously does things for their own benefit at one time or another, sometimes they are for financial gain, efficiency, personal gain… laughter…

trying to prove you don’t act that way… ever… is an impossible task and totally irrational… because it’ll never happen. if you’ve lived such a saintly life that you’ve never laughed at anothers expense… please move to the vatican and apply for popedom.

…and im sure you and your dumbestic friends have never laughed at some ricers expense :tup:


There is a big difference between saying some shit to someone you know and just randomly going up to someone you dont know and knocking them over.

eh, it’s just not funny to me

hey man we can agree to disagree, that’s fine. maybe i’m a little less moral than you or some of the other posters in this thread, however this small controversy started only because the thread struck a nerve with someone who had issues with being fat early in life.

i mean everyone has to deal with shit, i’m sorry the kid doesn’t have a thick enough skin to handle e-drama, but whatever

edit: it’s also funny how he talks about stealing all this shit from some place he worked at earlier in life… just seems hypocritical

either you actually hurt the person or it was staged.

who is that directed at?

i joked about robbing a mcdonalds that i used to wokr for way back in the day. Apparently that=demoralizing and dehumanizing a fat kid

so funny! :bloated: