fat kid goes down

it was directed towards you for the most part.

but i was talking about how import muscle got offended by the fat kid getting pushed over because he himself experienced similar hardships early in life… and then really failed to hold it in, and tweaked online

then i said it seemed hypocritical of him, because in a different thread minutes later he talked about how he used to rob his old work’s safe.

listen man, everyone is a victim at one point or another. fat kids live hard lives, im sure. and im sure gay kids live hard lives, kids with disabilities, dumb kids, kids who like emo music, kids who have red hair, and even black, white, red, brown, yellow kids too. :shrug:

I sure hope that was setup (looks like he fell to easy). You said there is more to the story. But if that was just some random kid you never seen or talked to before, that’s some lame shit.

Aparently this is not the case.
What was the whole story?

There is a big difference between making a comment to someone or about them behind their back and actually physically doing something to them. Both are wrong, but one is more serious then the other.

Your logic baffles me. You’re justifying something that was (as far as we know) completely mean and uncalled for because “bad things happen to everyone”. So following your line of logic. I guess it’s ok if some random person kicks you down the stairs and you break your arm. then they post A video of it and we all laugh at you. :roll2:

There is more to this stroy and I until then I will wait to comment on the video.

That’s not entirely my point, my point also is that “Everyone does bad things at one point or another, for various reasons”. It’s also true that “Bad things happen to everyone”.

I never once said that it’s “OK” to do what he did. Infact my first post said it was “Mean”. Additionally I said it was “Funny.” Just like the video of the asian guy running around and pulling the clothes off women was “mean and wrong” but also “funny and amusing.”

I was never fat as a kid, so maybe I don’t totally understand the hardships that the fatkid in the video is living through. Maybe this is a really taboo topic, like how comedians say “you can’t make AIDS jokes.”

If there was a video of me getting pushed down the stairs, or “getting my face beat in with a baseball bat” I’m pretty sure a majority of the people watching it would think it was “wrong and mean”. However I also think that those same people would also be somewhat entertained.

Maybe it’s a example of our societys morals and ethics, but I think a lot of people are being hypocritical. I mean for fucks sake there are a million threads a year where something stupid happens to someone, and everyone is entertained at that person’s expense

I don’t see the humor in it at all. That person could have filed charges also. If this is someone you knew, I could see some humor in it, depending on this story behind it.

Ehhh if it was a random fat kid, then thats pretty mean. I usually have a hard time having sympathy for fat kids. Because being fat/obese is something that can easily be changed, and laziness is no excuse. Plus, fatties are making america look disguisting (along with 50 billion other things). But, that’s still pretty humiliating, especially at the place where you guys were.

So unless it was staged, I say tdown.

I would like to hear the story behind it before I pass any judgment.

It doesn’t matter that he fat, he could have been a stick man and it would have been just as bad. The point is that it was unjustified…until we hear why :gotme:

The same people that found this to be wrong would have the same feelings. The same people who laugh at it, would be entertained.

Usually the threads we laugh at are people doing things to themself or someone getting something that they deserve. If we were in court right now, the “fat” kid would win hands down because there is no evidence that he did anything wrong and no story to accompany a reason to knock him over other then Chicken fingers.

REGARDLESS OF ANYTHING ELSE: there is no excuse for that kind of behavior. unless there was some justified reason as to why that happend, but I think if there was it would have been posted.

what a bunch of dorks

well, it would’ve been a better vid had the kid’s dad appeared out of nowhere right afterwards and beat you down

now that would be funny :tup:

EDIT: quiet your narrow ass down, i’ll go to hell :slight_smile:

later on some old guys tried to follow us and fight us all the way back to our limo…probably dads/uncles/whoever…im italian, so im not hating on italians, but these guys were typical fat, greasy, slicked back hair, bad italian/newyork accents, probably delivered pizza for a living wanted to fight at a lawn fete type dudes, the cops were laughing at them and their drunkeness…lighten up or go to hell

where did it go…
I wanna see this.

fuck. where did it go goddamnit?

I’m sure everyone here are angels, and have never watched anything on youtube or the likes similar to this and got a chuckle out of it, despite it being wrong or not.

What happened to the pic?? I wanna get in on the crusade :stuck_out_tongue:


or maybe next time you show up at mighty people will all be waiting to send your ass flying because hey, everyone has shit happen to them at some time.

no, i have never thought shit like that was funny. There is no difference between that and sucker punching someone. You have to be quit the little bitch to push/hit someone from behind.

omfg let the thread die

its like hypocrital meathead hysteria

omfg its more like stupid douche bag does something stupid and when it backfires in their face they try to back pedal out of it