fat kid goes down

I’ve had plenty of bad shit happen to me from people who I didn’t know, IE getting jumped by 15 white kids from a different high school soley because I went to the same school as this other kid who they hated. Sure, it sucked.

But I can laugh at it now.

I was fat and got made fun of when I was a kid.

I can laugh at it now.

Am I saying what was done here was right? No. Do I agree with it? No. But it happens, and it will always happen.

And I totally call bullshit on you NEVER laughing at someone else’s misfortune.

What happened to the video? I wanna see it.

1.) but if you actually knew the kid that did it, you’d ask why he did it.

2.) if you thought it was wrong or mean, you’d probably say that you thought that way, wouldn’t you?

I can’t believe people would defend this as “eh it happens, so what.” This logic is beyond me. If someone came up to your car in front of you and put a baseball bat through the window, would you be upset? (you’d be posting in how you and the rest of the people standing around who witnessed it, beat the piss out of the kid that did it)

KCUV- Do you think you’re cool because you knocked a fat kid down? You need to grow the fuck up.

misfortune = occasioanl LOL depending on severity of misfortune
creating Your OWN random acts of violence = tdwn and fuck off

i just say if you don’t like the video…don’t comment on it…stop harassing k cuv…

and put the video back up people want to see this

Perfect. Meet criticism of the event with more criticism and judging of the person’s character.

the only thing worse than fat people is ugly fat people, especially ugly fat girls. sucks to be them.

since when is just laughing at someone on the same level as physically harassing them

I dont see a video, but it seems pretty pathetic. Im all for fights, handle a situation like men and get it out of your system, sometimes you catch an ass whoopin and sometimes you dish it out. But sucker punching someone is about as dickless as it gets. Ive always stuck up for innocent people who get shit on by assholes, so I guess who ever did it is lucky I wasnt there. By all means, come up and push me… that I would find funny

:word: I did not see the vid. But, from what I have read, to all who think picking on fat people is funny, GO F UCK YOURSELF!!!
AS for the comment greasy italian just make me wonder are you just white trash?
I have been big my entire life and believe me when people used to pick on me they were usually the ones getting the living shit kick out of them.
GO ahead pick on me and find out:eyebrow:


Though the full story would be nice.

The only thing im pissed about, is how come a little bitch like the kid in the video will never do anything like that to me?

Im not really a tough guy at all, but I think these meds im on are making me a little psycho :wink:

psycho meds FTMFW

beat downeh’ down

by meds I meant steroids.

^ so THATS why your balls have been getting so little. and i thought i was just hallucinating :gotme:

people are always getting shot and killed, so i guess its ok that i shoot you because it happens, and it will always happen. Great logic :bloated:

And no, i dont think, and never have thought it was funny to randomly physcially assult some random person.

thread backfire in 3



Actually, a baseball bat was involved, it broke the back window of my minivan, and hit the side of my head.

I am a firm believer in karma, and I’m sure that kid (in the vid) will get his ass kicked one day.

see : Kid throwing burrito into fat kids face, fat kid knocking the kid out

Hey, what’s up you fucking retard? Or should I call you the biggest hypocrate of all?

There’s a big different between shooting and killing someone than someone getting pushed over, even punched.

Your parents laughing at you and making fun of you probably is just as bad or WORSE than you getting your ass kicked.

Kids getting made fun of in school = columbine

OK, I give up, maybe it’s because I grew up in a different place, where getting pushed over by some random older kid was probably the best thing to happen to me vs getting mugged or some other shit.

I’m still not condoning the action, I think some of you are missing my point. Unless your badazz the protector of helpless fatguys :slight_smile: and go around making this shit not happen… well… whatever.

EDIT: holy 3 post, sorry