fat kid goes down

I didn’t see the vid but I have endured through the 3 pages of posts.

Just hitting some random kid is a stupid and mean spirited thing to do…I don’t think anyone can question that.

I’d like to hear the rest of the story.


this thread is retarded. afaik there is no ‘sidestory’

Nope sorry, calling me a retard and a douche bag isnt the same as knocking over some random kid. Dont believe me? Here’s your proof, notice i dont care you said that to me? Now if you (as some random person) just pushed me over when i wasnt looking, you better believe i would get up and punch you in the face.

of course you’d punch, haha… i just found that funny for some reason. im under the impression though if someone walked up to you in person and called you a douchebag, or that your mother was sick, you would resolve it in the same fashion, with your big knuckles :tup:

anyone save the vid?

lol that would of been great :lol:

makes for a better punch line than just picking on some fat kid… although, I am a reformed prick (used to be an asshole… some might even say that I still am :D) so take that with a grain of salt

I would like to see this video



Where be yonder mystical video?

the video shows someone interviewing an unknown person ( not kcuv ), and they have some discussion similar:

“if i knock him over you’ll give me that chicken finger?”

so then the kid says something like:

“i can’t believe im going to do this”

and then runs over towards a group of kids standing around, and bumps into the fat kid. the fat kid somehow falls over…

the end

waiiit…you took a limo…to a lawn fete?

yea= awesome idea…10 of us didnt have to drive, lawn fete closes at 12 and it takes us downtown afterwards

uh, you missed the entire point to my post…

Is there a chance that the people who didnt see the vid will ever get to see it?

Upload it on youtube or google video.

bumps nothing, he plowed that kid something fierce

you have no choice but to fall over if you get sacked by someone like that :lol:

hmmmm. . .