Bump day for INDY

looks like tony stewart is going to take a shot at running in the last hour

i wish i was there. this is the 1st year i havent gone in the last 3 years :frowning:


tony didnt get to qualify…legal issue’s of driving a toyota and issues with contracts with other sponsors…

it sucks i am hoping he can win the indy 500 someday

:gives: fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

:wtcslap: :wtcslap: :booty: :booty: :itr41: :drama: :smiley:

real men dont need no sissy ass fenders.


anyone wanna plan a trip to indy next year for the 500?

maybe daytona

indy 500 > *

week long crazyiness!!! i have over 300 pics from the last 2 years. its a great time

week long crazyness at daytona in feb and your on the ocean

i hate the beach

woman love the beach


Trulli won at Monaco this weekend