Bunch a Eagles Fkers

Was at the mall last night forgot about this till just now steelers party. Going though the mall seen a bunch of I dunno 16-18 kids with Eagles jerseys on… And starting screaming couldnt hold it back, and thought to myself you have to be f*cking retarded…

i saw a lot on the turnpike yesterday on my way home for the weekend

yeah we saw some at the Kings last night…

we felt the need to break out the steelers going to the superbowl chant

hahaha. that black lady was screaming at them too :blue:

saw five fights at the game today and some fag got beer poured(thrown) in his face by some grandma

I damn near started a brawl in the bar because i was trashed and running around flapping my arms. Got shoved by a douchebag in a McNabb jersey, and instantly like 3 Steelers fans were up in his grill. Since i know the owner and its a Steeler bar, the eagles fan and all his buddies were asked to leave. They refused, and then a bunch of regulars/Steelers fans told them that if the wanted to leave with their teeth intact, they should do as asked. It was sweet.

at the game…the best part was the T.O. chant in the 4th…that was the best…i went with my fam. that lives in delaware…they r huge steelers fans…they said heniz field kills the new ravens and philly stadiums