bush, tag you're it!


China’s President Hu Jintao paid a visit to George W. Bush last week, but not before stopping off at the home of someone far more important: Bill Gates. Gates may not have the power to nuke other countries - yet - but he sure knows how to market an operating system.

Bill Gates is probably breathing a sigh of relief that he got first dibs on President Hu, because if Hu had made the White House his first stop he may well have fled the country immediately. Gaffe upon gaffe thwarted Our Great Leader’s press conference with the Chinese president last week, beginning with a spokesman referring to China as “The Republic of China,” which is actually the official name of Taiwan.

Shortly after that, Hu was embarrassed by a journalist who interrupted his speech by calling out, “President Hu, your days are numbered. President Bush, make him stop persecuting Falun Gong. President Bush stop him. Stop this visit. Stop the killing and torture.” Television stations in Beijing apparently faded to black as Wang Wenyi - who was protesting the Chinese government’s harsh treatment of the Falun Gong movement - harangued Hu for several minutes before security intervened. Bush later apologized to the communist leader for the shocking display of free speech - but don’t worry, Wang Wenyi was subsequently charged and could face up to six months in prison, so I’m sure that made President Hu feel better.

And then, at the end of the press conference, there was this:

Nobody is sure what was going through George’s mind at this point - perhaps he was making a last-ditch effort to beg for another few trillion dollars in loans, or maybe he thought he’d caught one of those illegal immigrants he’s been hearing so much about - but as Hu attempted to leave the podium, Our Great Leader decided manhandle him in front of the cameras.

So all in all, it was another smashing diplomatic success for the Bush administration.

Well written.
Who wrote it?


Well written.
Who wrote it?


booo the author info didnt show up,
it was on this website


You may have missed the sarcasm in my post.
Specifically - Where I said, “Well written”.

6 minutes after posting an article from demorcratic underground, you decided to be witty and do the whole inb4 thing on republicans.

Anything off of that site is going to be heavily biased, likewise something from a similar republican site. Would you really expect a different reaction from die hard republicans?

The Chinese president does NOT look amused in that picture though.

Great post… Bush = :tdown:


6 minutes after posting an article from demorcratic underground, you decided to be witty and do the whole inb4 thing on republicans.

Anything off of that site is going to be heavily biased, likewise something from a similar republican site. Would you really expect a different reaction from die hard republicans?


i saw the picture, found it amusing, wanted to post it, for others who hadn’t seen it, didnt know what else to put with it, so i cross posted the text it was with… sheeeesh… :hang:

annnd i didnt even know what the democratic underground was until like 5 minutes before the thread was posted… i was browsing around online… and saw it… oppps i guess…

The Chinese are coming.


The Chinese are coming.


I got my foil hat on lol.

I would bet he could run faster. Bush would probably be in trouble.


The Chinese are coming.

[quote=JEG;533447]I got my foil hat on lol.



:lol: I hate it when I laugh like an idiot in a quiet office. :rofl:

“Jintao cat is not amused” lol