guess who's being an idiot in China,5936,17317997%5E954,00.html


What a face.

Edit: guess there’s a video already up… oops.

"Mr Bush said his ability to speak frankly with Mr Hu showed the strength of the US-China relationship. "

he can’t even speak frankly with us, or fluently in english… how can he do it in china?

well we know how well Clinton did with them…oh wait, he gave them military grade technology for their “space program” that jumped their missile delivery system over 50 years ahead of what it was, making them a real nuke threat, before they had the nukes, but no delivery system short of a van parked outside your door…thanks to good old Billy, they now have a way to launch Nuke missiles. He also helped them build nuclear power plants…which as a biproduct makes, duh, weapons grade plutonium. But hey nobody cares.

weapons grade plutonium has to be reprocessd in order to make power plant grade plutonium

oh Clinton… wait.
who’s our president now?

:c P

Im just saying, i hate how no matter what bush does in anynsituation people critisize him for it, i was mearly compairing them. Im not saying I agree with everything Bush does,Im just sic of the bitching…ok so he tried to leave and went to a locked door? big deal, are you saying you have never done this? people will make a bigger deal out of somthing this miniscule then they would if a liberal president killed a baby and drank its blood…gota love polotics.

who was that guy who almost got impeached for getting a blowjob?

Yeah cause im reallllyy worried about China right about now :roll:

They are actually planning mission back to the moon. Good to see someone’s space program actually doing something :bloated:

Like China is going to bite the hand that feeds it… Maybe you should get a flashlight to see because it’s dark that far up Bush’s ass…

I know he got impeached, but they didint kick him out of office or strip him of any power…they let him slide with a slap on the wrist.

lol…im more owrried about china than anybody else. Due to their size and sheer numbers they are the only country that could win a war against the us to my knowlage. unless it turned to a nuke war.

clinton got impeached!? wow, was that recently?
you’re worried about china because they could win a war against us, eh
…you amaze me more every day.

sorry…almost. and im not worried about it like omg were gonna die, im saying its a possability one day that it could happen, and with everything thats going on in the world recently, i wouldnt put it against them. Nothing to be concerned about at this point in time…but in the future possibly.

And as far as amazing you…lol…why is that?

fucking :bloated:

what the hell

i reduced my input taken from the thread down to ‘man, that girl in beckington’s sig really needs to not have dreads’

You kidding? You just learned that Clinton got impeached!! Post-Presidency!!

Getting a BJ is teh WORST EVAR!! He should have been hung or drawn and quartered or tarred and feathered or put in the iron maiden or been sent to North Dakota for the rest of his life… He’s EVIL EVIL EVIL!!

eh, i walked into a locked door the other day… and i am pretty sure i made a face.

as far as the rest of the drama goes. china should be feared, they WILL be the next super power. with their country going in an industrial revolution, and the whole world buying up its goodies, its not that far off.

and for those of you that think they are so civil that they wont “want a piece”, you’re nuts.

he broke a law, and got away with. you’re all mad because our current president did some drugs back in his day… billy did them too. dont he a hypocrite.

I am quite a bit more pissed than his doing drugs back in the day… Need I make a list of all the things GWB has done to piss off the American people?

a list could/has been made about every president, and EVERY list will say “he lied to america”

this is politics, its what they do. if they want to keep their jobs, they lie. americans cant handle the lies that are fed to them (the ones they believe) how do you think they will handle the truth?