Should Bush Be Impeached?

… I dont think pwned is the right word…

(vote to see results)

HAHAHAH… 473253 responses too…

All I know is a blowjob got Clinton on trial… I think Bush has done quite a bit more… Let’s knock down the list, shall we?

Abu Ghraib
Walter Reed Memorial
WMD’s (or lack their of)
Going after Saddam instead of Bin Laden
Valerie Plame
Alberto Gonzalez

Illegal wire tapping
Illegal detention of foreign nationals
Illegal detention of US citizens
Inability to speak coherently

ugh! i am at work and it wont let me on msnbc :bloat:
whats the results?
yes? no?

Gas prices…



thanks boardjunky…

wow… that incredible.

i remember i posted a thread about impeaching bush a couple months back and got nothing but flamed. discussion on here is impossible, it either “agree with me or you’re a comie bastard gtfo of america”

OT does anyone know about the commission that was disbanned in 02 (i think) that was responsible for auditing gas places to make sure prices were in check? i have been hearing about this and how bush had removed this group but havent found any more info on it, work filters out most websites.

not trying to stir shit up, just looking for anyone with knowledge on the subject, or someone who can link it to me. thanks.


This poll is bias, it must have been only viewable by liberals… :bloated:

psh you’re a mod you should know how the internets work…

:lol: No you got flamed for thinking that a president could be impeached by a phone-a-thon.

Well, the latest I’ve heard is that the house is introducing a bill that would prosecute companies that are found guilty of price-gouging gasoline prices and Bush has said he would veto such a bill.

I am not at the least surprised with the results. It’s the American people who re-elected him. We have ourselves to blame.

“House Speaker Pelosi’s office is taking calls voting
for Impeachment of Bush/Cheney”

:bloated: where did i say i THOUGHT that… i saw it and put up for anyone interested, i didnt write it… why are you all over my nuts?

The wording of that poll doesn’t even come near “objective.” Uggh. Fucking

I voted no.

Could have been a lot worse. Here is the Fox News equivalent Poll…

“Do You Believe the Liberal Fodder That The President Should Be Impeached?”

1). Liberals are sheep, they don’t know anything except flip-flopping the issues and being pussies about conquering lesser countries for oil gain. Impeachment is not even an arguement.

2). Do No Impeach President Bush, he is the best president we have ever had. He make our golden boy, Ronald Reagan look like Stalin, he is our savior and will lead us through the armageddon when God’s rapture judges us all. Praise Jesus. Amen.

3). I don’t know anything because I don’t watch Fox News

When you post something stupid that got forwarded to you in an email, you should expect people to flame you.

This includes, but is not limited to:

  1. How to get Bill Gates to send you $100
  2. How to lower gas prices through a boycot that does not affect demand
  3. How to impeach a president by calling an 800 number