Should Bush Be Impeached?

i use the google.


I am not at the least surprised with the results. It’s the American people who re-elected him. We have ourselves to blame.



i want to hear you guys who still support bush, i want to know why you support him? everyone is real good at “fucking liberal :picard:” but lets hear your reasoning behind supporting bush and the war on oi…terror… please enlighten me one more time as to why we are in iraq? i agree sadam was a terrible man, but please show me justification for the war we are in right now.

instead of playing the “im right, you’re wrong” game from fourth grade, how about you debate it like an adult. i am not saying i am right and my views are perfect… i will take a look from another stand point but you need to make a case…

i am probably wasting my time… an intellectual debate on here would probably go over just as well as bush in a spelling bee…


I am not at the least surprised with the results. It’s the American people who re-elected him. We have ourselves to blame.


They also have the Diebold Voting machines to blame as well… :smiley:


i want to hear you guys who still support bush, i want to know why you support him? everyone is real good at “fucking liberal :picard:” but lets hear your reasoning behind supporting bush and the war on oi…terror… please enlighten me one more time as to why we are in iraq? i agree sadam was a terrible man, but please show me justification for the war we are in right now.


I’d like to know who still supports this guy and why as well.


i want to hear you guys who still support bush, i want to know why you support him? everyone is real good at “fucking liberal :picard:” but lets hear your reasoning behind supporting bush and the war on oi…terror… please enlighten me one more time as to why we are in iraq? i agree sadam was a terrible man, but please show me justification for the war we are in right now.

instead of playing the “im right, you’re wrong” game from fourth grade, how about you debate it like an adult. i am not saying i am right and my views are perfect… i will take a look from another stand point but you need to make a case…

i am probably wasting my time… an intellectual debate on here would probably go over just as well as bush in a spelling bee…


^ Do a search, this has been debated 100 times. I’m not getting into it again simply because you can’t do a search.

Views change and historical arguments may become invalid due to new information.

Personally, he has driven the country into the ground. I am a republican and I can not begin to make sense of anything he is doing.

However, the actions and things hes doing are LEGAL! He is given powers by congress votes on bills. Seriously, there is no way to impeach him.

I said it once and Ill say it again, stupidity isnt illegal.


i am probably wasting my time… an intellectual debate on here would probably go over just as well as bush in a spelling bee…


Okey dokey.

Bush should not be impeached for going to war. Despite the way the media has twisted it, the reason we invaded in 2003 was to enforce the 1991 UN Resolution 687, which required the disarmament of Iraq after they proved their aggression by invading Kuwait. It also required cooperation with weapons inspectors, which they did not do. I personally don’t think we should have enforced this ourselves without UN support, but we were also protecting our own best interests based on what intelligence we had at the time. Sure the intelligence turned out inaccurate, but hindsight is 20/20. Bush did nothing wrong.

Bush should not be impeached for wire taps. The Patriot Act passed legally, and allows for this. The Patriot Act also allows for indefinite detainment and deportation of foreign nationals suspected of terrorism. The Patriot Act should be repealed.

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t like Bush. I just fail to see reasonable grounds for impeachment.

Ok, I’ll recap:

Dow: Up (way up, even though the .com bubble popped and 9/11 tanked the economy)
Nasdaq: Up
Unemployement: 4.5% (this is the target)
Terrorist attacks: 0
Attacks foiled: Several
Taxes: Down (if you work and actually pay taxes anyway)

Yes, the war sucks. And no, knowing what we know now I don’t think I’d support going in. But, based on what we thought we knew when we went in, it was the right call. Hell, even the liberal poster boy Bill Clinton thought WMD’s were there. He said, “They had them in my presidency, there is no proof they got rid of them”.

Both parties voted to go into this war and now that we’re there, regardless of it’s popularity, we have to finish the job.

I really dislike his attitude lately. I really dislike his stance on stem cells, abortion, and religion in general. But I totally disagree with statements like, “he’s run this country into the ground”, especially coming from spoiled little kids who are more than likely living off the prosperity their parents are enjoying in this country.


Ok, I’ll recap:

Dow: Up (way up, even though the .com bubble popped and 9/11 tanked the economy)
Nasdaq: Up
Unemployement: 4.5% (this is the target)
Terrorist attacks: 0
Attacks foiled: Several
Taxes: Down (if you work and actually pay taxes anyway)

Yes, the war sucks. And no, knowing what we know now I don’t think I’d support going in. But, based on what we thought we knew when we went in, it was the right call. Hell, even the liberal poster boy Bill Clinton thought WMD’s were there. He said, “They had them in my presidency, there is no proof they got rid of them”.

Both parties voted to go into this war and now that we’re there, regardless of it’s popularity, we have to finish the job.


The man is surely a genius and a wonderful human being because of those statistics right there. Spot on, :tup:


The man is surely a genius and a wonderful human being because of those statistics right there. Spot on, :tup:


Last time I checked, not being a genius was not grounds for impeachment. :tup:


Last time I checked, not being a genius was not grounds for impeachment. :tup:


Atleast he is trying :slight_smile:


but seriously,
thanks for the responses and proving me wrong on the whole not being able to have a debate on here… its much much better than i’m right you’re wrong :picard:…

So for the Bush supporters, are you still for his presidency now? I’m not talking about impeachment, more along the lines of do you still support him now as you did before? Or are you starting to falter and think we’d be better off with someone else…

Just wondering.


Okey dokey.

…the reason we invaded in 2003 was to enforce the 1991 UN Resolution 687, which required the disarmament of Iraq… It also required cooperation with weapons inspectors, which they did not do.

Bush should not be impeached for wire taps. The Patriot Act passed legally, and allows for this. The Patriot Act also allows for indefinite detainment and deportation of foreign nationals suspected of terrorism. The Patriot Act should be repealed.


  1. The evidence presented supposodly showing Iraq had not disarmed was contrived. This was not a failure of the intelligence services, this was a failure of the executive and by my own view a clear and deliberate misinformation campaign directed toward the American people. This then led to the failure of Congress to perform it’s duty as check on executive power due to the then popularity of the action and their greed to be reelected. See Tenet’s book. The issue of Iraq removing UN weapons inspectors is also debatable with regards to national sovereignty and international law. Regardless the war was sold on Iraq being a threat to US national security not becuase Iraq was in violation of UN resolution.
  2. As it stands, the Patriot Act is of dubious constitutionality. It was also passed by a Congress whose hand was forced by a ravenous populous after 9-11, but was written by the executive. That fact aside, not all suspect “intelligence gathering actions” undertaken by this administration are outlined in the Patriot Act and the few that may be (wire tapping) are vaguely defined at best.

I voted for him both times.

1st time, because I’m a registered republican and I agreed with most of what he said. Religion and moral stance issues affect me much less than economic issues.

2nd time, because he wasn’t Kerry.

Am I glad he can’t run again, yep. The republicans need someone a little less cowboy. I’m crossing my fingers my party can find a way to get Rudy through the nomination without the religious nut jobs shooting him down.


But I totally disagree with statements like, “he’s run this country into the ground”, especially coming from spoiled little kids who are more than likely living off the prosperity their parents are enjoying in this country.


This administration has done more to harm the reputation of America and her people on a global scale. The world is vastly more dangerous for Americans today than it was 8 years ago because of our misguided foreign policy.

I would direct anyone pointing to our economy and smiling to take a look at China, Chinese foreign direct investments and USD holdings. Also, take a look at our massive national debt. These are not problems that will just go away on their own.

Our growing energy crisis is also an issue not being properly addressed by this administration. Climate change is very real and scientific information continues to be ignored if not supressed by our government.

I’m ready for someone new. I’ve never liked him, although I’m not convinced he’s done a “bad” job. I think entering Iraq without UN support and without a viable exit strategy was a mistake. Not sure if you can totally blame him for that, but why not? The country could use a change. Plus I’m sick of hearing him talk. Dumb or not, he sounds unintelligent when he speaks in public.

Just as an FYI, I did a bit of reading on how impeachment works so I might as well share it in here. Oversimplified:

Someone who has reasonable cause to impeach the president presents their case to the House of Representatives. The house votes. If they vote 2/3’s “yes” then the President is impeached. He then goes on trial before the Senate. If the senate convicts him of the charges he is then removed from office.

Bill Clinton was impeached by the House but not convicted by the Senate, so he remained in office.

Joint Resolution to Authorize the Use of United States Armed Forces Against Iraq


(a) AUTHORIZATION. The President is authorized to use the Armed Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary and appropriate in order to

(1) defend the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq; and
(2) enforce all relevant United Nations Security Council Resolutions regarding Iraq.

We went to war to protect ourselves by enforcing UN resolutions that Iraq was violating.

Giuliani is as much a mockery of the republican party as Bush and his band of neo-conservatives. What we need is a true conservative in the mold of Reagan. Hell, even Ron Paul makes a lot more sense than that d-bag from NY whose only real claim to fame is the distinction of being mayor of NY during the most massive terror attack in modern US history, who then proceeded to fuk up every aspect of the civic response.