Bin Laden maybe dead, or sick...

sweet. :tup:. I hope it was excruciatingly painful also.

he prolly got some herpes from a camel, or possibly goat

lol…he has anal mites.

Well that sucks…We didnt even get to blow him up :frowning:

Yeah but he deserves a long slow painful death. I am generaly against human sufferage, but that man is not human, he is an animal. A quick death is too good for him.

“Sufferage” != suffering. Good god man, your posts are an abortion of English.

Suffrage is totally different as well. You’re the type of person who would vote to “End the suffrage of women in the US!”.

I think he is still alive but, what if he does die?
Will that be a good or bad thing as far as terrorism goes?
Will his followers just go nutso on the USA/world?

Was that on the man show?:biglaugh:

Not sure, but I know I didn’t come up with it. Still hilarious. :rofl:

Shut up, I was writing in a hurry and did not proofread my post lol.

You have to look for someone before you can kill them… You’d think he was in Iraq…

we did look we had hundreds of troops scouring hills an caves an shit, now that this reports out and if its confirmed maybe we can bring home some of our boys stuck over there…

First off, I can’t stand it anymore. Jeg, go to the link below and download Firefox. The browser has a built in spell checker.

Second. The initial report came from the French Intelligence Agency. I have plenty of reason to believe that he may be sick but I doubt he’s dead.

I love you too.

get your own thread you two love birds

Wasn’t he suffering from liver problems to start with? It’s been a long-time possibilty. Granted some people should deserve painful deaths.

Why hurry, the internet isn’t going anywhere. :slight_smile:


lol…Redconquesttsi and I were going to go for a cruize so I was in a hurry before he got here. Then he never showed. That bastard lol.

that and the “war on terror” :lol: