Should Bush Be Impeached?


This administration has done more to harm the reputation of America and her people on a global scale. The world is vastly more dangerous for Americans today than it was 8 years ago because of our misguided foreign policy.


The people who hated us enough to attack us on 9/11 hated us long before Bush. I’d rather have extremists hate us because we’re on the offensive killing them in their country, than having them hate us and come here, killing us in our country.


I would direct anyone pointing to our economy and smiling to take a look at China, Chinese foreign direct investments and USD holdings. Also, take a look at our massive national debt. These are not problems that will just go away on their own.


National debt goes up during times of war, and down during the times of peace after. History will repeat itself.


Our growing energy crisis is also an issue not being properly addressed by this administration. Climate change is very real and scientific information continues to be ignored if not supressed by our government.


Did you just post in the gas thread bitching about high gas prices? You can’t have it both ways. High gas prices ($4+ a gallon) would do more to reduce our CO output than anything else, because it would force people to drive less in more efficient vehicles.


Giuliani is as much a mockery of the republican party as Bush and his band of neo-conservatives. What we need is a true conservative in the mold of Reagan. Hell, even Ron Paul makes a lot more sense than that d-bag from NY whose only real claim to fame is the distinction of being mayor of NY during the most massive terror attack in modern US history, who then proceeded to fuk up every aspect of the civic response.


:word: I heard some of the things that Rudy was saying during the first republican debate and his responses were a bit disturbing. I am now convinced he is just as insane as the Bush followers are.

The threat Iraq ever posed to US national security is tenuous at best. Was Iraq a threat to US regional interests in the Mid-East, maybe? Any notion of links to al-Qaeda is preposterous. And the dreaded WMD program has already been shown to be a load of hot air.


The threat Iraq ever posed to US national security is tenuous at best. Was Iraq a threat to US regional interests in the Mid-East, maybe? Any notion of links to al-Qaeda is preposterous. And the dreaded WMD program has already been shown to be a load of hot air.


Do you have any facts at all to back up your opinions?


High gas prices ($4+ a gallon) would do more to reduce our CO output than anything else, because it would force people to drive less in more efficient vehicles.


Hahhaha, that’s a great solution. Why not pass legislation of minimum MPG ratings on vehicles like they do in Europe. That would make more sense to me if they were all that concerned about climate change and the environment. With your solution, it jacks the rates up of everything, airfare, shipping costs, stamp costs, public transportation. That’s great for the economy… :bloated:


Do you have any facts at all to back up your opinions?


Since you are posing this question, does JayS have any facts to back up his opinions either?

in all reality what is the point of impeachment this late in the game, so we can say haha we got you??

his term is almost over, we re-elected him, so as the cliche goes we made our bed now we have to lay in it…as much of an idiot i think him to be i see no reason getting our country rilied up with an impeachment trial when he will be out of office very shortly…imo


The people who hated us enough to attack us on 9/11 hated us long before Bush. I’d rather have extremists hate us because we’re on the offensive killing them in their country, than having them hate us and come here, killing us in our country.


Now there are many many more. Thanks. And why do you think they hate us? Becuase they hate our freedom? No way. They hate how we had/have troops stationed in their holy land.


National debt goes up during times of war, and down during the times of peace after. History will repeat itself.


Mabey so. And the debt is not my main concern. Its the fact that Asia could bring this country to its knees. Hell, they could knock us back to the stone age if they suddenly sold off their dollar reserves and not fire one shot. And now that the petrol-dollar is becoming history with UAE pricing in EUR and the Kingdom with the rest of OPEC soon to follow, we could be in for some serious economic trouble.


Did you just post in the gas thread bitching about high gas prices? You can’t have it both ways. High gas prices ($4+ a gallon) would do more to reduce our CO output than anything else, because it would force people to drive less in more efficient vehicles.


I’m didn’t bitch at all about gas prices. I complained about energy policy in terms of dependance on foreign oil and climate change. I would be glad to see higher gas prices and compared to the rest of the western world we still have very cheap gas.

If you want facts, sure.

I’m expressing my opinions here, but I will try to provide facts wherever possible.


All I know is a blowjob got Clinton on trial… I think Bush has done quite a bit more…




Since you are posing this question, does JayS have any facts to back up his opinions either?


Actually, everything I posted was fact.

The dow:
Timing of 9/11 in relation to anything Bush had accomplished in office: Common knowledge.
Terrorist attacks, and number foiled: (use search)

But I’m done with this, because there is no point arguing it on a site full of 18-24 year olds who won’t even get off their asses to vote :wink:


But I’m done with this, because there is no point arguing it on a site full of 18-24 year olds who won’t even get off their asses to vote :wink:



I just like the discussion. Many of you went to school for engineering and get off on CAD specs or whateverthefuck… I got degrees in Poli Sci and Intnl Relations so I get off on politics :wink:

When did you graduate?

2005 for undergrad
Just enrolled for 2007 MBA class and applying to L-school for 2008 = lots of debt and nothing to show for it (yet) :wink:

hahah but at least you’ll have most of the alphabet after your name. :tup:

HA yeah, I’m just trying to make sure I don’t ever get stuck doing one thing. Plus, I like school.


Okey dokey.

Bush should not be impeached for going to war. Despite the way the media has twisted it, the reason we invaded in 2003 was to enforce the 1991 UN Resolution 687, which required the disarmament of Iraq after they proved their aggression by invading Kuwait. It also required cooperation with weapons inspectors, which they did not do. I personally don’t think we should have enforced this ourselves without UN support, but we were also protecting our own best interests based on what intelligence we had at the time. Sure the intelligence turned out inaccurate, but hindsight is 20/20. Bush did nothing wrong.

Bush should not be impeached for wire taps. The Patriot Act passed legally, and allows for this. The Patriot Act also allows for indefinite detainment and deportation of foreign nationals suspected of terrorism. The Patriot Act should be repealed.

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t like Bush. I just fail to see reasonable grounds for impeachment.


Well, that’s what I’d love to think, but the (not so) simple way the cookie crumbles:

war = $$$