^^ i Agree with Joe. 200k would seriously fix that.
As for bitching, yeah feel free to bitch but I mean comeon, War + sign up = Fight. Simple as that. Good luck I wish the best to all of you that are going over!
A buddy of mine enlisted and then re-enlisted and is on his 2nd trip over there right now. Is making a plush 44k for just driving a hummer around hitting cars with it. He said he works out twice a day, plays poker most the day and just drives around busting through shit. Sounds pretty kick ass… he told me its alot better over there now than in 02 when he first went.
I just did a PT test, and i didn’t break a sweat, pencil did all the work. Just because your unit says your good, doesn’t mean that your next school will agree. I would really look at your form, and make sure your good for the next school. I can do 60 or so real legit (pldc, airborne, WOC) pushups, now in my unit i can do 80 or so, more if i’m wearing a sweatshirt. With that said, if you need any help before you have to deploy, or wana put some rounds down range with my personal M-4 with M68 your welcome, you can even wear your acu’s
bush is an idiot… i feel bad for all the troops. Republicans say Democrats dont support the troops and blah blah blah…no, they support the troops just not the D-Bag President.
I say that the democrats don’t support the troops, because we as troops support the president, we believe in this cause, and if you don’t believe in my cause, then your not supporting me, your chearing me as an individual. That does nothing but sound good, fails to give me the tools for me to do my job, and gets my buddys killed by half steppin, fucking around, and not letting me shot the fuckers that deserve it, and come home. But no, we will sit around, fight about it for a few years while us soldiers are stuck in the shit, constantly double guessing every move i make, taking silly little events and making them into a “scandle” and then calling me stupid (various democrats, like kerry and so forth). Thats not supporting me. Supporting me is saying go got those mother fuckers, we’ll give you what you need, and we won’t second guess the things that arn’t so G rated becuase it gets us a political advantage.
I saw on the news yesterday it said 66% were against Bush’s decision. And out of those 66% who were against it only about 12% actually watched the speech.
There are so many people out there that are just like fuck Bush, but if you question them on why they only respond with “Ummm cuz he’s a bad President”…
Oh BTW I voted for Bush/am a republican and I support his decisions. However at this point I feel either were need to send over 200,000 soldiers and get the fucking point across in a week and a half have it over. Or withdrawl everybody and let them blow themselves to fucking hell. I think 20,000 more soldiers to be honest won’t do a whole hell of a lot.
But thats 20,000 more people going over seas to support my anti-military ass. So thanks!
i still dont remember the exact numbers… but our policing mission over there they want like 15 per every 1000 iraqis. and we’re at like 7 or 8 per iraqi
27,000,000 = 405,00 troops (seems a little high… so i may be off on my numbers)
now i think we’re at like (as of nov 2006) 152,000 troops
we’re undermanned already, a 13 percent increase in the amount of troops over there would be nice
I have to do the fighting, me and my buddies are at risk, so if its my ass on the line to do this, wouldn’t you think it would be me trying to get out of it. But for some reason, those that have thier asses at risk, are all for this war. Stop using the troops as an excuse, cause were just fine with what were doing, if you don’t like the war, then say it. But if you want to support me, then support me, don’t act like i’m to fuckin stupid to know what i have to do, and don’t tell me that your supporting me by not sending me, cause i’m just fine with my job, and i’m willing to die in support of this country, even if its for a war that some people in this country didn’t like.
OK, i dont support you. You wanted to go, youre going, good luck. my support is not wanted.
At least you were on the side of the guy who is making you put your life on the line.
I support the MAJORITY of troops who are against bush, but stuck going anyway.
The Military Times released a new poll December 30th of 6,000 active duty U.S. military personnel. The results were revealing. Some highlights:
– Only 35 percent said they approve of the way President Bush is handling the war, while 42 percent said they disapproved.
– 50 percent believe success in Iraq is likely, down from 83 percent in 2004.
– 38 percent believe the United States should send more troops to Iraq. 39 percent believe we should maintain current levels or reduce the number of troops, including 13 percent who support complete withdrawal.
– 72 percent believe the military is “stretched too thin to be effective.”
– 47 percent disagree with President Bush’s mantra that the war in Iraq is part of the war against terrorism, while the same percentage agree.
– Only 41 percent of the military said the U.S. should have gone to war in Iraq in the first place, down from 65 percent in 2003. That closely reflects the beliefs of the general population today — 45 percent agreed in a recent USA Today/Gallup poll.
You can make numbers say anything you want, but i work with the guys, i do the job, and i can say that those polls ARE BULL SHIT. The Times is a known left view publication, and the military times is regared as the same. The military times makes money by constantly bitching about the military. But in the end, you hate bush, and will say or use anything you can to make that point clear. If you look thew the libral BS and actually talk to the troops, you would see that we are just fine doing our job, and we want real support, not the Cindy Shehan variety.
My friend over in Iraq said the same thing about the polls being bs. He also says that we have no chance in winning this and chances are once the presidency switches hands we will back out.