Senate ok's Iraq pull out

thats the link too bad it won’t go through

Let’s hope and pray its true. Its time to get our boys out of there.

yeah I’d like to leave here since it’s where I am.

Welp, Unfortunatly Bush has had 2 press conferences in the ast week stating that 'its ok if they pass the bill… its just one more he has to veto"
However- I wouldn’t mind him having a change of heart and getting our boys and girls back home soon.

I was 100% against the war from the start, but now that you are there you have no choice but to finish. Pulling out now would create an even bigger clusterfuck of the area and even lessen the opinion of the US that the world has.

I think they should put 10x the troops that are currently there and finish the job ASAP, like they should have done from the start. Had we had a lot more troops from the start, the job may have been done, the new Iraq army trained, and our troops at home already.

Just my $.02

the biggest problem is that this region didn’t seem to want to be liberated. Look at the former soviet union. They took a more peaceful route to democracy, but they are still far from stable or thriving. It will take decades for Iraq to get to the point that the Soviet Union is in now. I don’t think we have the manpower, and I don’t think the american people have the will to drag this on for another 5, 10, 15 or more years.

I agree, but pulling the troops out now will be no good for anyone.

I am against the war as well. I think that Bush is just making it worse. I just find it better to take everything as a grain of salt, Just one day at a time. I want the soldiers to be back home. I miss my husband. But they have a job to do and i know that this war will never end.

I have learned that watching the news about all the troops dying over the middle east is a horrible thing, I just wish that we could pull out and have everyone home to us. I am not just saying this because my husband is over there, there are so many more people suffering over there than we know about. Why dont Bush go ver there himself and be in the front lines or send his two girls over and see how it feels to have family and friends over there.

About damn time. Should’ve pulled them out after we got Sadam.

This war = waste of lives, time, and money

Let’s get the boys home!

wow lots of different opinions. well let’s see it looks like the plan is to pull everyone out but keep the ones training the Iraqi army there for a while longer than the rest. it says they will start pulling out in Oct. and finish in April I think it’s good we are thinking about leaving. I think leaving will help them thrive faster. my .02 as well I’m not a political person, though I hate politics. just say what needs to be said quit sugar coating it and lying fuck the media.

we did pull out of vietnam and it wasn’t the end of the world…

after how many years?

I think it will be worse over there if we pull our forces. It will be even worse if we broadcast a timeline to all the “evil-doers”. Publishing our military agenda on TV/radio is insanely stupid.

However, I would like to see us out of there sooner than later. But I don’t think a timeline will solve shit. It will just make the bad guys quiet down until after that date, then they’ll really bring the ruckus.


the US troops over there are doing nothing to quell the voilence. we’re in the middle of a religious civil war that has been going on for thousands of years. if anything, we are making it worse. the only course of action is to get our boys home before even more of them get killed. then if we can use new technology to gain energy independence we can say fuck the middle east all together.

wow the only reason they are bringing a “ruckus” is because we are here. we’re on their land and they don’t want us here. If we leave they will stop all the shenanigans and they will prosper faster especially if we’re still out here just training their army. we don’t need all these troops over here, for what reason are we here? We got what we wanted and now it’s time to go. We’ve done what we can. I say chuck up tha deuce and roll out.

dont get your hopes up. the problem is with todays society they do not have the heart or the balls are anciestors had.

oooh veto we will go.

plus iraq is a nice place for a summer home


like the balls we had back when we let Hitler invade half of Europe before joining the war…

and look what good having the balls to go into Vietnam and then “stay the course” did for us. Nothing besides 80,000 dead Americans.

I for one would like a leader who thinks with his brain and not with his “balls”

Hitler rose to power peacefully, and had the whole country behind him…except for the jews, but the rest of the people still went along with it.

You want a leader who will legalize mary jane too. You probably aren’t going to find too many political leaders that you do like.

Holy shit. I finally agree with you:eek4:

The problem is when indeed the preisdent does decide to veto this, what will happen from there?