Making a large purchase today, does anyone know of any coupons I could use? I did a quick google and found only $10 off and piddly shit like that. Thanks in advance.

Thanks for your business. rules, they have no tax on shit still. I think they told NYS to go fuck themselves about taxing empire state punters.

Secret coupon codes are thanks enough. :):fuzzyfish:

I just bought the Garmin c550 from there, and a couple Sandisk USB flash drives.

Buy me lunch now, I’m a valued customer.

Hopefully you’re buying gardening supplies or traps since I read in a couple other threads that the world economy is going to tank and we’re all going to have to grow/kill our own food by next year.


Convince Ingram, not me. When your company starts selling VZW business products, then I will take you out to lunch.



Just jump on ebay :shithitfan:

No one has coupons… Hook me up, Jeffery…

sorry guy, I got nothin.