by the power of greyskull

that was the line wasnt it?

i think i would go see this opening night…it was part of my childhood, but besides that the concepts look to make for an exciting movie (eye candy)

no shit, I’d probably go see it too

anyone remember the live action masters of the universe from the 80’s?

that movie was the shit when i was a kid.

Dolph Lungren > *

Wow. I was way too young to realize how Gay He-Man is.

He-Man was a great cartoon. Excellent stories and writing


Wow. I was way too young to realize how Gay He-Man is.


coming from the PokeMon and Power Rangers generation… laughable


Wow. I was way too young to realize how Gay He-Man is.


Even gayer in this video

He man was totally gay. I loved the cartoon as a kid but damn. Anyone named HE-MAN…come on. :gay:


This is going to kick ass.

I can’t wait to see Tigra nekked :wink: