TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES, time for the famous four some to kick more shell!

i was such a huge fan of the show, the movies, the action figures, everything. But the new tv show is terrible and i have a feeling the new movie will be too.

But I’ll give it a chance

I’m definitely going to see this.

The idea of mutant ninja turtles when I was a kid never struck me as being funny, but now I find it pretty friggen hilarious? I mean, who thought of that?

Friggen pot heads I bet.

i grew up on that cartoon i cannot wait

:word: I am going to see it just for the fact that I watched the show as a kid. I do not think the Shredder is in this movie though.

Ill probably go see it, but this trailer makes it look kinda boring.

This looks bad but i heart the TMNT so i must see it

i do not think shredder will be in it eather because in the secound live action movie he dieds if i remember correctly. but then again this could be a compleately different movie. i will defenatly see this one because like most of you guys/girls you grew up with them. But yea i think that you have to be smoking something pretty heavy, to think of the origanal concept.

This movie looks more like the original comics did. I cant wait

I’m going to see it :slight_smile:

BUMP for friday, i will be seeing this along with hills have eyes 2


BUMP for friday, i will be seeing this along with hills have eyes 2


I love the turtles but i am so much more pumped for hills have eyes two

:word: friend and i are seein both in one night :lol:


:word: I am going to see it just for the fact that I watched the show as a kid. I do not think the Shredder is in this movie though.



I used to have so many of the toys too, so much fun to be had.

I’d like to see Shredder, Krang, his bio-suit, the Foot, Mousers, Rock-Steady, Bee-Bop and the Techno-drome.

Something modeled after the arcade would make a great story line IMO.

Damn, what did it say when you flipped the game…

“Freeked the foot, mashed the mousers and totalled the technodrome, but what about shredder and krang? burnt to toast, vaporized to … something something…”

lols i saw this preview the other day… old school

Looks like Shredder is in it :slight_smile:

Every birthday I wanted the Technodrome toy, however I never got it… :frowning: given it was expensive toy but still thats all I ever wanted too…

older ones > this one


older ones > this one


Agreed a billion times.