I really like how the Millbert sounds. I like tubes in general, but dont have one of their amps because of the price tag. Last I talked to them(which was like pulling teeth because those guys just WILL NOT tell you what theyre working on) I got a little bit of information about a new one theyre developing. The amp that I heard was this
this got amazing reviews up and down, but I didnt really know about them till i actually heard one and i freakkin melted. dont get me wrong, solid state amps are quite nice, especially the newer stuff coming out, but i still feel like tubes are just TITS! The thing with that amp is that when it’s made to distort it doesnt actually pop like your typical amp would, its a much smoother overdrive and it sounds more natural. Now, I havent heard one of these for a tremendously extended period of time(sadly), but i feel like this is the machine for me. they sound so warm and so natural that it really makes u wonder if youre listening to an amp at all. also, the power of a tube amp is different than solid state amp power. a 30 watt millbert like that sounded like a 300+ watt solid state amp. i think that if i was to pick up a solid state amp it’d be this for sure!
I have been trying to find one of those for years now with 0 luck. There are sites that list it, but none of them have one in their actual inventory. I am going to contact MB Quart/maxxsonics directly and beg for them to look thru their warehouses and storage to see if they have one someplace in a dusty corner. for some reason this amp is a rather rare piece and i cant even find any private sellers. its like a damned collectible that ppl refuse to part with.
Currently I am running this amp for my speakers
and its totally awesome, but I still want more. im also planning to see if i can obtain one of the mb quart QSD216 signature series speaker sets. my friend has a set and he pulled them from his car and made them into monitors.:‘(:’(