bye everyone

im leaving early in the morning tomorrow, so i just wanted to say bye to everyone before i leave for boot camp. ill talk to you all when i get back in a few months. later :wave: ]

later man, good luck with everything and be safe!

keep it real

drink fluids. a lot.


good luck man

Good man

be good and be safe

good luck

Best of luck to you sir. I commend thou :tup:

Don’t fall asleep during fire watch!

good luck and be safe :tup:

Good luck and come home safely


keep your head up and your shoulders back! :smiley: be safe man, we’ll be here when you get back with plenty of :beer:'s for ya.

See ya John, GL. I still can’t put your name with a face from 3rd grade :stuck_out_tongue:

lmao at your av :biglaugh: not what I expected…

^heh thx


dammit we just went to denny’s last night, too…

good luck man, sorry i couldn’t get to you before you left. let us know when training ends :slight_smile:

thanks everyone, i appreciate it.

:lol: Best advice ever

lol fire watch is a blast. :bloated: Good luck to you man, i wish you the best. Stay safe which ever direction the military takes you. :tup:

john…good luck man…i can inly imagine wat that passat will be like when u get back :snky: i tried to call you last night cause we went to dennys. o well, sorry for showin up so late at ur going away party…like i said b4, best ofl uck to ya, gimme a call when you can man…peace

good luck to you :tup: enjoy the experience
what branch of the military did you join?