C-List post NOT MINE

maybe for a parts or a project idk


If someone bought that for a grand and I sold 2 of mine in better shape for 2500 this board is more retarded than I give it credit for.

that was a really good deal for all the parts in your deal.

this, not so much.

wow,that cars ruff!

ruff? that car is beat to sh!t HAHA
he could have cleaned it up a little better for sale though



lol at collector car, yeah right.

I wonder how you replace half of an e-brake line…

JB weld and twine

Yea that things a complete pile. I seen junkyard mk3’s in 10xs better shape than this car. I didnt even know the front fenders could rust like that until I saw this car for the first time. This is I believe the 3rd different owner that had this up for sale on craigslist now within the last year.

alot of systems use 3 cables, not sure if thats how this one works

Correct, 3 cable system.


I usually replace only the left half of the line, its the only side that counts.

Maybe just so when the car is parked so it won’t roll down hills and pass inspection but not if you have to use it in an emergency situation.

You would be better off taking that $1000 and burning it to stay warm on a cool night. That would be a better use of $1000 then buying that POS “collectors” car.

joke > you… :smash2:

I’d just go ahead and replace the whole car? :gotme:

that thing needs “some” work… :rofl: