California Earthquake - 5.8 Richter

It was really only about 30 sec long here in SD. Nothing fell off the wall. The Fridge was rocking back and forth pretty good though!

They said you could feel it in Vegas eh? I guess I missed it.

I didn’t even feel it. 30 seconds in san diego? I call BS on that. I was in North County SD and most of the people I was with hardly felt it, if at all.

I felt it big time at work. I was grinding a bracket and the floor started moving. I was like what the fuck… I literally saw the concrete floor heave up about 6 inches. Looked out into the warehouse and the charger racks were swaying all over the place.

It was cool. It lasted about 6 seconds that I noticed. Didnt feel any aftershocks.

My buddy described a massive wave moving through the roof the length of the building. (its 750,000 sq ft so its huge)

You realize 3.0 and under are barely/ if at all noticeable…

It took me to 5 seconds to realize i felt and earthquade … to seeing the Fridge shake… to get up off the couch and walk over to the fridge and watch it shake was almost 20 sec…

Next time I feel an earthquake I will make sure to have a stop watch on hand and time it.

to the tenths place please. Thanks