Oh sure, shit talk the 1 person thats nice to ya on this shit hole of a site :rofl
your know its only camaro and mustang love.
haha i watched that shit yesterday
Just a GM 3 bar, and boost controller my sonnn (for more power). Then Morgan wont have to stop at 4800RPM after the 11psi pull:thumbup
shit never gets old lol
And a vtec head
And Nawwwsss
NO im good.
stay away from vtech…or this might happen
lol jk. My girlfriend is awesome (she bought the plate for a xmas gift, had no idea about it. Not my idea)
O shit, hes got enough NAAWSSSSSSSS in here to blow himself up!
You guys are all boy touchers
The bottle is addicting, better off not having it.
LOL funny i saw a good one on a civic it said “V8 HAHA” I thought it was funny…good xmas gift tho
Do not say the name, or Tom will show up saying “Abluhblapudaplbleee”
+1 he was on 7psi. I think on its 265 whp tune the car is capable of trapping almost 110 whp. Either way a stock ap1 might trap 100.
Youve got a developing beer gut who are you kidding.
so is anyone going out tonight…j/w
it just got done with a torrential downpour up here at exit 11…
in the rain? Doubtful