Call Out: The Freek

No. If you knew someone you were racing was going to be shitty and tell a fish story online, you would make sure your side of the story was validated.

This is the internet - drama is nothing new. At it’s not limited to roll racing.

I’ll give you a chance to re-read what you wrote since we all know you have a reading-comprehension problem;

Now I’ll re-write it for you the way you should have written it to avoid any of this BS;

I’m spending too much time here and not enough on work and vids…

Explain the GPS MPH idiot…

Obviously the losing car would be going slower…please debate.

Who cares what the gps said,who was ahead of whom?

30 MPH slower? I’ll let the folks at home decide if you’re going 30 MPH faster than Beck once I get the vid up.

You could prove me wrong though - use the lines on the highway and calcuate your exact speed.

Read the first post in this thread :gotme:

No one was debating that Sherm won. Sherm however, who called Beck’s car “slow” is trying to give excuses as to why he didn’t pull Beck any more than he did.

10mph slower…jackass

First of all the slow comment was a JOKE…I was just at the gas station with Beck about 2 hours ago joking around…about this…

And regardless my car is slow…

not in sherms defnese but GPS’s are kind of slow in putting down the top speed. i’ve watched them before where it would go above the top speed and didn’t record it …

Your trying to compare a 10mph spread while gaining speed with a handheld GPS and working a camera :tup:

Only 4 pages? Pussies! :grin:

:lol: 100 shot vs. Onyx was for show?? :stuck_out_tongue:

sherm you’re a tard…honestly, i hate reading your posts.

i’m curious to see how much quicker the vette is now than when it ran the white car last year…and curious to see how beck can keep up with vette as well :tup: make it happen

i wasn’t spraying … there’s not even nitrous on my car. what are all you guys talking about?

:bsflag: :lol:


LOLOLOLOLOL!!! Spence you rock! :lol:

but my clutch is smoked lol … ask badass

why is there 4 pages of this retarted shit. When it comes down to it the Stang>Sherm>Beck all were within a cars reach and it was not raining.

if u two are going to argue like nancys make a call out thread for each other and debate when your going to run in there. For the past month or so i have been hearing you two have wanted to race each other. So sherm called and i said beck will race you Automaticly thinking he would because he was just saying an hour previous to that that he wanted to. Then beck said fuck it and i will move my self up a notch on the > then you thread and thats how it all started. Then beck asked for a 50 roll then changed his mind to a 60 which sherm agreed to 100%

:tup: to Beck racing from a dig last night
And :tup: to sherms autotrajic not bitching about a 60 roll.

Time for you two to have a run whatcha brung session @ The track now

Now back onto topic…mike do you accept becks challenge?

4 pages later :lolham:

:lol: i missed that part…

gay laptop keeps freezing up on me


I’ve had quite an interesting first few races this year.

Can you imagine what is going to happen when I actually beat a domestic on the greater than thread?!!???!!


Sherm. I want to re-run in a month.


A few guys that were with your crew last night, said that if he could drive it would be a mid 12 sec car.

Regardless, he got a 3-4 car jump right away, and i don’t think reeling him in for a ~1 car loss, is too bad.

Now if we did a 20 roll, it would be a different story. But his bitchass left early before we could do one (WHICH HE AGREED TO).

So by default, I win, because:
a.) I didn’t drive like an ass hat everywhere I went
b.) I didn’t talk any shit. You shoulda heard this kid.
c.) I don’t look like a gangsta rockin down syndrome.