Call Out: The Freek

skunk says: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

edit: i <3 beck

Wow…all this in a day!!! 4 pages…crazy…so, when is this race going to happen anyways? And when are these videos that i read about in like 25 of the posts going to be up?

you guys are all gay.

where the hell is the vid?

Only for you:gay2: :kiss:

And :word: to the Vid


i miss u nick.

:word: :kisses:

invite me out to the house, car should be running next week.

if he could drive, that could be key. he assclowned more than he drove, so we’ll have to see how he does against me when we see him again :tspry:

man i should run like a 75 dry shot

Google WAAS corrections on GPS Speed. The data is derived from radio towers, not a bounce from a GPS sat.

My device records top speed, regardless of when it occurred within a much smaller % error than a normal GPS. Even if there was a few seconds delay in receiving the data, it would still get the MAX value after he let off.

All that happens on its own. I can throw it on a car dash and concentrate on my video, which I’m more concerned with anyway.

Vids up by tonight I promise. :tup:

This is true of my GPS as well.

sweet…i cant wait to see these vids…:headbang:

sherm pulled up top.

Not a lot, but enough :wink:

this thread needs more F&F quotes… keep it goin. :smiley:

nearing the end of page 5 and we’re still talking about sherm vs beck

motion for thread re-name plz

hey i posted once or twice in here …

:word: to Sean, get your shit on topic or this thread is going to get closed and Beck might even get banned again because it’s fun to do. :wink:

lol, posted about gps shit

no response to the callout from what i remember tho



soooo you whussed out and told him to race onyx

