calling out sprfreek

i beat a certain green Z28 yesterday so i guess that means you are next on the list to race.

No BS, no drama, just for fun. :tup:


way to go bro :tup:

im guessing you are runing more then just exhuast now?

k&n filter :tup:

lol posted that before i saw this … yeah i’m down just let me get the body work done should eb by the end of this week… we’ll shoot for sunday or some such.

ya i figured you would want to wait till after you got the body work finished. No major rush :tup:

Yessir. This’ll be a close one. 60 degrees this weekend. :tup:

^^^^camera chase car

Game on.

:tup: make it happen fellas

:tup: to good sportsmanship and no BS

The camera chase car cannot beat the two racing… That just looks bad… :wink:


no BS only because I :heart: Jeeves

I sprayed the shyt out of jeeves with all three stages but his gearing got the 1/2 car he needed. I dont think we have to worry about any chase car passing him. Good look sprfreek, I wasnt even sprayin you to beat ya


:lol: now that the race is set up, I will also be out on sunday to play on tape :tup:

^ sweet. That means you can run sprfreek again and settle this na vs na debate on tape :slight_smile: :tup:

:tup: to more people spraying it … speaking of which … Mark call me and we can take care of that problem you had.

nah i’ll run jeeves and settle it … :slight_smile: thet’ll be enough for me

intresting…im pissed my car isnt out yet…

:tspry: vs :tspry:

except i dont have a bottle