i <3 this thread :tspry:
ahaha :tup: just what i need, more motivation! my pants are already on fire to get out.
Sprfreek, vette sounded hot last night :tup: thanks for the flyby
:word: shit sounded hawwt
Good to see call out threads popping up again Aww and i even got my own on ubrf how sweet
:tup: get r done boyz
good ol no BS racing…now thats what it all about…
Yeah that’s weird my callouts are never like this
^^Its a mustang driver thing :lol:
Thats because u get all the deuchbags with with bigger mouths than motors that have no clue what they are doing and just wasnt drama…but i still u
I was shocked to read this thread. Where is the name calling? The swearing? The impossible wagers?
I’m dissapointed, it seems there is no chance of someone being tossed over thier hood. :lol: