Calling out FormulaLS1

I’ll match that $$ on the Neon if anyone wants to bet on the LS1. God knows I have enough time invested in it!

$10 on the LS Juan 300 shot on stock bottom and no forged internals ftw:bump: :snky: :wink:

ill match your 10$

If your neon doesnt trap atleast higher then 114-115 im not going to even waste the time…

And about that bolt on guy from rochester…im still waiting for him to come down here…

Edit: I was told its a white formula with blue stripes?

Whens the neon and the bolt on LS1 want to run at the track?

The bolt on car will go whenever, i think there is a track day the 29th? U wanna run Sherm?

Yea im supposed to be there the 29th…I requested to get out of work that day early so I should be good.

Should be intresting.

Looks like were still on then braaa

Roll race bracket.

PM we will set something up…Im not going to Mighty first though…I don’t like going out to race with the dick riders in hot pursuit…

Not to mention im trying to get out of racing on the street and stick to track only…



lol did you read my post? I said PM me and we will set something up.

I just said im trying to stay away from racing on the street but I will come out to race you.

Ok, sorry, I misread :smiley:

I’m having a bad night here, having some trouble with the WG, so i appologize.


its going to be a fun night gl to all

P.S… i still have 10.00 on the neon>LS1

Sure, what would you like to wager on it? Dinner at Mighty? :wink: Or I’ll throw $20 in favor of the neon.

tires are gone sherm. u have to call OROC to set something up and get them back. Id jump on them before he sells them

If you arent gonna show up with 8 good plug wires, dont waste everyone’s time.

damn this will be a good run,

i think muscle 5.0 should sit back and watch this before he beats…

ya, I agree on that to.
sleepers 4L