Calling out: XXXXX

for everyone who has called me out … i’m back in action for the most part here. let me know . i’m willing and able to fry my clutch alllll niiiight looong


what car do u have?

i have a subaru legacy outback

i want to race…and if i win…i get to take ur man virginity…and when i lose…same thing

I knew GM used to have a small share of subaru but i didnt know they made a 2 seat ls1 outback?

Some people have 2 cars…

pause for such an abstract concept to sink in

…and that is all.

yea im sure hes talking about the vette…that is all.

<- Wants in. I’m not out yet though :frowning:

put some joose on the vette and come run my bike :slight_smile:

Pause for you to be funny…

still waiting…

lol… No that was me thinking about you dying in a fire…

nope still not funny

well id offer to film in your passenger seat, but i doubt you’ll let anyone work the new camera…which works out perfectly because i get to drive the Z and u can film!!


umm im me? or call me? or PM me

I’ll play…U game?

yeah no doubt

i’ll be meeting up with joe tomorow night after ig et out of work come one come all

what about my Subaru?

Freek call me if you need a camera man

freek call me if you want me to hand you your a$$

With what, Super Flintstone power? Even my car moves under it’s own power… :lolsign:


i want a rematch now that i’m no longer stock.