Callout: 05OrangeSS

thats the way i think of it…too bad my car looks like a shitbox right now though :frowning:

You got a smashed up fbody and your not gonna race, HELLO racing beat up f-bodies is where it’s at :gotme:

Quit your bitching…I drove by your house on saturday before the beach and your car looked fine…hey atleast your car runs!!!


yea atleast your car runs… good point. I’m gonna go take a hammer to mine, maybe it’ll work than :lolsign:

I don’t know though, maybe I shouldn’t, it’s white and I wouldn’t want Beck to beat it up on me :gotme:

LOL…all Fbods are slow and gay and scared to race imports!!!

well that explains it why mine has been so gay this year in wanting to get running. damnit and all this time I thought it was something else :lol:

ok who wants a 15th Anniversary Trans Am? :lol:

I dont think he did…but I have like a million times

Did you beat him???

If this is the same car I ran on the way to mighty Id like to do a re-match from a 40-50 roll =)

I’ll run ya silver…I wanna be greater than too.

lets do it

U called down the thunder… :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Im gonna be out tonight for a bit.

back on topic…
i wanna run the mad quick SS again:gay3:

Maybe ill come out to play a little bit 30mph highway rolls are where its at yo

has to be on friday…only day I dont work until 1 in the morning. I really don’t care who wants to run…whatever…

For all that wants to race Chris. How about we all meet somewhere and drive around and take turns at Chris… lol jk… There is nothing better then seeing someone’s face when they think they rolled up on a Cobalt and finally realized that they mistakenly picked the wrong one to mess with… :lol: such a great feeling isn’t it chris?

Did anyone race yet…Im waiting on o2 sensors and wires than hopefully ill be out @ 100%

name the day ill bring the video camera!

be out of town till mid next week…:tdown:

sherm runs on 7 y not jeff. i wasnt trying to sound like a dick. i just sisnt see any racing sunday. iam full fledge fbod cock rider. u need a reacharound?