Callout: Layzie

Man up, enough talk, its go time:D

(Call me when you get out of work, we will do this)

Ah senseless call out post when the person has your phone number :tup:


this is for shits and giggles we both want to see how it goes:headbang:

hope ure not talking about the GA GT, :lol: j/k

u guyz shulda ran last night…

the grandam is siqqqq, we kind of did on the xxx on the way back but now it is real hot with speed traps so we have to be real careful:snky:

12r vs honduh powa


lol…:word: true though…I’d have alot of these call outs then with a few certain sucka’s :wink:

to you still being a douche driving the same gay boat thats still slow :tup:

lol andy why not just ask me in person


How many more times is your super amazing civic gonna blow up before your done paying off the first motor you put in it :lol:

I guess I would rather be slow then having AAA on hold to take a drive around the block…or have 15k into a Civic hatch :lol:

hows life as a virgin? how am i paying off the first motor? sometimes when you post it makes my brain hurt. i guess id rather have 15k into a civic hatch then a big white piece of shit firebird thats slow as balls. i don’t know if i should drive your car or drop an anchor and fish off it

perfect for your firebird

In on page 1.

wow now i know how you really feel! :wink:

oh man keving pulled out the boat! made me laugh!

:lol: Yea I know I guess I like having a boat…

Better then lookin like a fucking idiot who dropped 15k into a 2k car…and still ended up with a unreliable pos…

Don’t worry maybe next year you can step up and afford something more bling from hondas line up??? Civic Ex…maybe thats a setup up from the hatch???

Few more years maybe you can swing an accord :lol:


ya because this makes sense how? if i put alot of money into my car dont you think i could afford something else? i choose to put the money into a civic. you really are dumb and still a huge douche bag.


lol u prolly dont even have 15k to do anything to your car or buy a new one, thats why your driving around your pos