Callout : Layzie


The shit is ready to go Andy. Hes waiting on his wheels so he can mount the slicks.
I will be calling him out soon. IM just waiting to get my shit tuned.
should be fun…



and good to hear ur shit will be out this yr, to bad i will not see it in person.


ugh, i need a ride in a fast car. i havent been in a decently fast car in years. literally.


tell layzie 2 give u a ride:lolsign:


tell layzie 2 give u a ride:lolsign:


lmao…lmao kmnaoijxdbecvwkcbwlcf:rubicant:



and good to hear ur shit will be out this yr, to bad i will not see it in person.


ohh no shit…youre out there with my PUTA kyle. ARE YA?


ohh no shit…youre out there with my PUTA kyle. ARE YA?



layzie w z up? yes or no

andy… ive never seen you run the bike… and how do you know the 12r is faster? you never had them both at the same time in working fashion. 666 you are the worst speller i have ever seen on this board. Thats pretty bad if you’ve seen some of jegs posts. Id love to see andy run you… and id love to see you run kevin. Dooo it…

andy when are you going to get the 12r to the track? for cereal

willy > andy… andy is kevins biggest sack rider and cky is not to far behind… just stating the facts…

PUTA, wtf man?! will someone just race already, holy hell.


andy… ive never seen you run the bike… and how do you know the 12r is faster? you never had them both at the same time in working fashion. 666 you are the worst speller i have ever seen on this board. Thats pretty bad if you’ve seen some of jegs posts. Id love to see andy run you… and id love to see you run kevin. Dooo it…

andy when are you going to get the 12r to the track? for cereal


I’m waiting on kevin’s answer


PUTA, wtf man?! will someone just race already, holy hell.


i’ll race you bitch…go fuck yourself asshole…
Love ya:mamoru:


I’m waiting on kevin’s answer


hes not going to race bro… he told me… Just so everyone knows. Not that hes scared, its he’s really not into it anymore. I wanna give up this honda shit myself… its just a waste of money.

estorvito… i hate ur sig… christ almighty


estorvito… i hate ur sig… christ almighty


lmao…its annoying isnt it? lol

why do you want to give it up, you were so into it when you started your build? who cares if you run him then kevin? it doesnt need to be posted that your gonna meet up at xxx… show up at southgate and run each other…

WHY havent i heard of 666 before?


why do you want to give it up, you were so into it when you started your build? who cares if you run him then kevin? it doesnt need to be posted that your gonna meet up at xxx… show up at southgate and run each other…

WHY havent i heard of 666 before?


I dunno. Im getting too old for this shit. + its time for me to start saving money for my kids. Shit my oldest is already 7y/o
i dunnno.

el misterioso is a friend of mine,. Cool guy .

word… reliability > constantly worrying about breaking your toys hence bike > turbo del sol … thats cool if the guys legit… i was figuring that he was just trying to get a rise out of people on the board (very few people can spell that bad without trying)


word… reliability > constantly worrying about breaking your toys hence bike > turbo del sol … thats cool if the guys legit… i was figuring that he was just trying to get a rise out of people on the board (very few people can spell that bad without trying)


haha. its a puertorican thing. lol
I spell like that when im drunk,.,…lol

word… (in jeg/666 fashun) lets c a race weather its andy on his 12r vurses the gsxr 1000 or its kevin vurses 666… i wanna sea this shit go down be4 the summa ova

goodnight I’m done for the night in this thread


word… (in jeg/666 fashun) lets c a race weather its andy on his 12r vurses the gsxr 1000 or its kevin vurses 666… i wanna sea this shit go down be4 the summa ova

goodnight I’m done for the night in this thread


yea or anyone from 400hp and up that wants to race