callout: turbo LS1 @ street car shootout

Oh come on now. Who the hell changes bearings for a simple 45 minute converter swap?

that sucks

I’m having a completely new converter built Joel. Going up a size. What’s your problem

No problem at all, just calling it as I see it. Carl can build a completely new converter in a day you know this. You probably already had it a week ago.

wow, we made it a whole 5 posts before this started rotting. Way to go.

studderin is so snky though. Ill talk to this guy and he shows me track vids and slips then a week later he shows me faster slips from TWO weeks before hahahahaha. Snky fucker I still think studderins car will rape on a big shot however not rape as hard as bills car.

Call carl up… Be my guest. It’s supposed to be done tomorrow and it was ‘ordered’ last thurs. I dropped the cradle because it made my life 2619016x easier. I’m also painting the engine bay this weekend because it looks like poo and I’m going to try for a mag. All that being said, I want to know why all a sudden you’re on my case and so concerned about my car… Did I do something to offend you?

so this race is going to be for money?

:tup: to fast car callouts. Hopefully it works out and everyone is civil.

I’m all for these races. I want to race the faster cars from roch, buff etc. If someones got a faster car then all the power to them. I’m just sick of constanlty getting this shit thrown in my direction

This shit is so fucking old.

Its not old and Bill don’t take it personal. This is what its about. Build the shit, go fast, get call outs, call people out, race that shit, have fun, drink beers, sex hot women. BAM!



$20 on turbo

Neon Mark was telling me Johnny got beat by a stock Mustang!!!

I’d like to see a race like this actually happen!!!

Joelster, you sir are retarded. If you were so in the know, what happened? Do you have any clue? Or are you just throwing out accusations to stir some shit up?

Haha, we did lose to a stock mustang. There was even a girl in the back seat of the mustang looking back at us as they pulled away. That was so embarrassing, hahha.

:lolsign: seems no one wants to answer that

no one will