callout: turbo LS1 @ street car shootout

I’ll throw my $100 in the corner of the HypedLS1SS. :smiley:

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ aka Money Dinero, Currency, Yen, Euro ???

Eh, yen has been going down for the last year. Dollar is onthe way down too these days. Ummm Euros? :gotme:

It doesn’t matter, my money’s on turbo.

Aren’t ya gonna see money, have you seen money, ya gonna raise me?

I don’t have to raise you shit…you drive a Datsun

Oh and for the record, my car, Explorer, money and everything else I own are on Turbo


If turbo was still a stick I would be all over studderin winning. But with the auto I think he’s got it, especially if the new stall works out. Studderin has put down some serious ET’s for a NA stick car, and since traps speeds don’t win these things his consistency would get the best of Bill’s car when it had a stick. So it depends what size shot is in there, a 200 shot could put the car in Bill’s range, unless he starts trapping 150 with that new converter.

Turbo… I will be there and I’ll run you… without the BS just look for the red notch with the hole in the hood.

A 200shot wouldn’t pick up 2 seconds for studderin IMO. Do it… we’ll see. Although we all know studderin is going to be a homo and never disclose his actual setup so there goes that idea

Ya man I’m down :tup:
like I said I’m not 100% I’ll be there on sunday but whether it’s then of the wednesday of that week for sure. I like no bs

unless this is johnnys camaro i think hes high. i agree 200 shot doesnt = 2 secs

^^^^ He wishes

Well, gotta show up, or else all the money in the world on this race won’t matter :slight_smile:

Pro-tree is pretty exciting, it won’t be 2 seconds worth, but you never know what can happen in a race! I’m all for this :tup:

I don’t thnk I can be much clearer in saying I probably won’t be coming to the 9/13 date becuase I’ll most likely be in east PA for an annual sales meeting. It’s hard to be in 2 places at once! If not sun then weds and I’ll race heads up anyway you want


Studderin only posted this in some attempts to start shit thinking Turbos car broke that was the entire point of thread.

dude, you weren’t supposed to post that!

^DUUUDE OMGz that such a huge turbo! OMGZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz TURBO HAS NO CHANCE. How much NOZZZZZ dEEOES it HAVE

I like the way that charger is mounted.

thats a weird lookin turbo