Callout #2.... [Any Rochester Car]

Any car on this board from Rochester


I’ll be ready in a week

omgz parody thread!



No Studderin call out? :lol:

Not worth my g-g-g-gas

I’m confused, because before you said:

But then you weren’t down because you were “changing bearings” while putting in a new stall. But now he isn’t worth your fuel? Which is it?

I drove my car this weekend. I need to test my converter at the track first. Stay on subject or shut the fuck up

if you cant run what u brung TODAY stfu

Are you running him?

I’m not welcome back to NYIRP…

On the street DIG when my car is sorted out???


Was he calling you out? Then stfu

Oh I can. Ask jt76. The car is more than ready and I WILL be at the track waiting but I’m going to test my dramatically different convertor first.

I will be there. I made these callouts and everyone seemed to get real quiet or ischanging the subject. SOMEONE STEP UP!

Humpers need not to comment in here

I don’t race in the street. Ive been clear on that. If you can, lie and tell them you have turned the boost down

TRUST me, Bob made it very clear NOT to come back with the car after sunday’s event.

Looks like I’ll insert my ricer excuse “Just wait til next year” lol

Ill do it!

.400 Pro Tree?

IDK that black “Bandit” style TA was running in the 8’s…

Probably the only street car i know of in the roc that can out run the low boost pump gas magic SS :rofl:

legitimate excuse

done. I’m assuming I’m racing your dads bbc racecar? Let’s do it

Yes, its both of ours…but I drive it. You and I both run similiar times so it should be a good race.