Can someone do a quick photoshop?

No I can take a joke it’s just when I want to see a quick Photoshop you have to wait through 5 pages of bullshit before you get one person that’s somewhat on topic


haha this is awesome nice work red :lol:lol

^ :rofl

red i cant believe you took the time to photoshop those wheels so nicely and couldnt at least put up what the guy asked for… actually not what he asked for but what he really wanted you to … funny none the less lol … if i knew how to use photoshop i would help ya out

Well hes got two days left till I do it right. :lol

:rofl woww

exactly, it could have been a 20 min thing. could have just helped out, posted up and been done with it. but nooooo this is shift518 why would any thread be on topic :lol

you knew what you were getting yourself in to when you posted this thread, so live with it

yeh bitch!

You didn’t even say “please.”

lock 1


Wow. Looks as bad as stock.


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