Looking for genesis wheels on this.
here is a few pics. any one will work.
Looking for genesis wheels on this.
here is a few pics. any one will work.
I’m pretty sure they have more than one wheel offered on a Genesis. Just sayin.
these ones
Strong work.
:rofl :rofl Strong work indeed.
:rofl I’m dying over here
Hillarious guys…but seriously though…
:lol good work gents
NEG rrep
Justin, you sir are lucky I shall withhold on neg rep, for giving me neg rep. This in turn though, will make you wait atleeast three more days before I do a proper 'shoop.
hahahah, wheels, wheels everywhere
lol oh man thats awesome
He negative rep’d me as well because I am a “smart ass.”
Quick, someone call the whambulance!
Yes i was Negged as well. So i returned the favor. Goddamn chode cant take a joke