can someone solve this?

its a game where you get items to try and get out but i really cant solve it and i have like 5 other ppl working on it

whoa thats weird and very hard too, how far have u gotten?

i finished it

Fun site. Solved this a while ago. I got snookered by the wall safe, though. I kept thinking about that projection for about 20min. :slight_smile:

i finished but i cheated lol , honestly if i didnt see then answer i would have never solved it , especially the code part :?

Its frustrating thats for sure.

I solved it, yes!!!

i’m stuck…
i have the box, with ring and metal piece on it.
gold key, silver key, ordinary key.
the memo
audio tape, and empty cd case…



i solved it. was hard.

I must really suck because I’m basically where Dre is except I went to
the website that’s on that little note and all I see there is:


WTF does that mean? I think it’s a clue but I dunno how to use it. :frowning:

for those having trouble and want to cheat

theres a battery :lol:

What is the Cd case for?

nothing , lol kinda pissed me off picking it up for nothing

Clicking the star 3 times was hardest part… hope that doesnt give too much away… rest was easy