Can you beat the game?

This is probably a repost but I did a quick search and turned up nothing.


ive beating this thing b4 found it in another forum. if i can remember i can help if u need answers.

ok, i am stuck on 7 right now :frowning:

holy crap i cant believe I figured that one out

I must be retarded. I can’t get past 2.

i am on 12. It really starts to get hard at 11.

click the door knob, when the pop up appears press enter, after that you will see the hand icon where you can right click and open in a new tab.

I gave up on 6, for now :d

how do you pass 11 the username password?

I love these sort of games.

there goes work today

just started, here’s to seeing how long it takes :beer:

edit: already onto 4, i hope this gets harder

ok on 3 it turned the light on but i dont get it?

edit: why am i so dumb… what is the source

computer nerd term, you can view the code the website author used to create the website. if you have firefox, go to “view” “source”

on 7 now.

edit; 9

good thing im the asshole that cant use firefox at work … ok so im done… dam games made for dam other IE

stuck on 5

I’ve gotten to the mid 20’s before, but gave up at that point. Maybe I’ll take it back up today.

Just click view source its the same on IE

got busy at work, moderately stuck on 9, i know what appending means, and i turned the lights off… :confused:

ha look at that