Can you do this?


Impressive, but funny at the same time.

LMAO, guy seems like he spends 24/7 in his room playing with action figures and well…making instruments…

HOLY SHIT LMAO!! :rofl JUST got to the part where he sings HAHAHAHAHAH

EDIT: oh my fucking god HAHAHAHAHA from about 2:13-end he gets WAY too into it :rofl

Seriously, I thought this was going to be a decent video, until he started playing the kazoo :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao I was laughing my ass off for the rest of the video :rofl :rofl

aahah tahts great, hes got no shame


hahaha, I almost died when I saw this on collegehumor awhile back… he is SO into it and he kinda reminds me of Dwight from the office for some reason

His hairdoo looks like a fucking mop.

hahaha read the comments… “Nice hair bro”

Clean my kitchen floor ya little kazoo playing bitchh

i’m going to have nightmares now


thats fucking awsome