Can you ID these game sounds?

14/24 here.

10/24, I thought I would do better… kinda dissapointed

14 here too…i thought i did better as well

15 wish they showed what you got wrong and right


13 here as well.

9 lol

20/24, in 193 seconds.

Same score in 184 seconds :stuck_out_tongue:


13/24 150 seconds




13/24. Never played a lot of those.


Some of those games I never played.

The only ones I’m not sure of are:

Question 2: I said Earthworm Jim, never played any of the four choices.
Question 13: I know it isn’t Paperboy, I guessed Super Mario 2, as it sounds like typical Nintendo-style music.
Question 14: No idea, I guessed Marble Madness, but I really don’t remember that sound in the game.
Question 21: Never really played any of the baseball games. Totally guessed on this one.
Question 22: Guessed Zelda, sounds like Nintendo.

Here’s an attempt at an answer key:

1: Contra (NES)
2: ?
3: Super Mario Bros (NES)
4: Donkey Kong (Arcade)
5: Duck Hunt (NES)
6: Pacman (Arcade)
7: Berzerk (Arcade) note that this one also has a little bit of Donkey Kong at the beginning of the sound. This is apparently a mistake.
8: Pitfall (Atari 2600)
9: Galaga (Arcade)
10: Joust (Arcade)
11: Gorf (Arcade)
12: Defender (Arcade)
13: ?
14: ?
15: Q*Bert (Arcade)
16: Pacman (Atari 2600)
17: Gauntlet (Arcade)
18: Combat (Atari 2600)
19: Burger Time (Arcade)
20: Pacman (Arcade)
21: ?
22: Definitely not Final Fight
23: ET (Atari 2600)
24: Frogger (Arcade)


2 is sonic
13 super mario bros
14 not sure
21 no clue
22 crystalis

assuming i got 14 and 21 wrong 2 others are wrong also