Can your Mini Fly?

Some guy plunges 80ft off Interstate 4!!! Whhhhhahaaaaaaooooooooo…

wow…that sucks


cutting two people off at once to exit then flying without brake lights…great plan there. darwin working his magic.

Unfortunately my Mini does not fly.

an accident on I-4 is an every day occurence. how about the 90 car pile up right outside of orlando about 2 months ago? 13 dead or something like that.

I would like to test this theory, keys plz

Remember how you told me you would teach me to drive a stick shift all these years yet never allowed me to drive the neon? NO KEYS FOR YOU :squint:



not much ownage when I live with her and have the spare in my pocket.:hsugh:

Two can play that game. Don’t wonder where your spare went if it comes up missing.

you complain when you drive the peon anyways.

“wah, its to bumpy”
“wah, your car doesnt stop the same”
“wah, i cant drive my car after driving yours”