Cant delete Kazaa

This dumb old program refuses to allow me to uninstall it. It keeps telling me to remove all active programs running+ clear temp files blah blah, its wasting drive space and i dont use it, not to mention the lame ass spyware that goes with it. How do i remove this crap!

stop stealing music and movies.

I am paying the royalties fees though.

contorl panel, add remove programs, remove kazaa


nope thats when it gives me the bs about closing programs and temp files. it actually wont let me get rid of itself! like a monster in the movie Maximum Overdrive!

shutup, that is like the lamest post of the year.

cool i used Kazaabegone and it got rid of 99% of it! It still wont remove the actual program. argh!

why is it lame? is it lame because most everyone this side steals music and movies? if thats why your gonna call my post lame then im sure your right.

i steal them and i am proud of getting my free shit

hahaha, theres always one