Cant diagnose SR

Finnaly finaly worked out all the little flaws after my swap and now im just

stuck. I cant get more than 5psi of boost. Up at the higher RPMS it may

drop slightly to 4psi.

All the vac lines starting at the TB are perfect and running to the right

places or blocked. The line going to the boost gauge is 1/2 rubber nippon

hose i think you call it and the rest nylon…the nylon hose the megan

gauge came with kinked and made my gauge work like poo. I dont think

7psi will make the hose expand and read 5psi. I was once hitting 7-8

psi…Until my MAFS crapped out.

Ever since ive only ever seen 4-5psi and it sometimes feels

sketchy like it cuts out for a split second. My filters a bit dirty :? I get

quite a bit of backfiring…id say the same if not a bit more than my KA.

Ive checked my plumbing numerious times and will again…My bov works

and as far as i can see the is in good condition…maybe my wastegate is

opening too soon?

FPR,fuel pump,fuel filter and injectors have all been changed as well as

the mafs. I cant feel the diffrence between 5 and 7psi with my rear end

all that much so im going by the gauge…Im in the mississauga area if

some one can help me diagnose this issue. The car from day 1 has also

always wanted to stall out on me coming up to lights clutching in or in

neutral…yea its turbo i blip the throttle…but it will dip down reallly low

rpms 3-4 times after coming off a hard boot. I have to play with the

pedal soo much…bumped up the idle helped for a bit then its the same

again after a few days.

I have the exact same problem.
i figure its eather a boost leak which is the most likely cause…
or the turbo is starting to go… if its got mad shaft play or something.
i use the megan gauge + avcr and the car just wont hold boost over 4-5
so its gota be eather turbo or leak… and the AVCR and Megan guage take reads from diffrent places.

My stuffs still all covered threw varun as were in good terms but im not going to go there and swap parts that may not be the issue unless im certian of the problem. Are you running a SMIC too? Its weird…i was hitting 7-8psi before…nothing that i could think of has been changed that would effect the boost unless somethings coming loose. Im pulling all my plumbing again and inspecting the SMIC.

Can you get your hands on a wideband?

If so, check what kind of AFRs you are running.


Ive got 130 bucks to live off of after this swap so i couldnt afford one and

dont know anyone with a wideband that i could borrow. I forgot to

mention the car runs pig rich…seem far worse than my KA right now that

got 320 to the tank. Ill fill her up full and see what kind of numbers i get.

One night it sounded like my turbo was making scraping noises when i let

off the throttle…it was consistant too that night and did it every time

around 1300rpm when the rpms were coming down. I have yet to pull

the inlet off and check out whats happening.

im willing to bet you come back with 280km to the tank… ish
and yes SMIC with stock recerc valve.
i should add… i got eather a bad plug or bad coil… not sure yet…

well when i installed my sr the following thigns ran like ass maybe it iwll help:

  1. open up the mafs, use a q-tip with sensor safe brake cleaner to clean the wire till its shiny, dont rip it, practice on your old mafs first, dont wory

  2. pressure check your BOV and intercooler, my BOV was leaking bad and my intercooler had a crack in it

  3. make sure the line that goes to wastegate actuator runs off the cold pipe

  4. make sure the bov gets its line from AFTER the thrtottle plate

good luck, dont beat on it too much and bandaid fix by adjusting shit, it shouldnt need to have idle raised thats ghetto, if you cant figure things out start by going back to stock parts

you dont need a wideband, just borrow a standard air fuel gauge it will tell you if its rich or lean.

theres no need to know an exact # in that situation

If you can only get to 5psi in high RPM then try this…

Unhook the wastegate and go for a spin… if you build boost easily then the turbo is probably fine (just keep any eye on the gauge so dont go past say 12psi)

Your Wastegate might have got stuck open or is opening when its not suppose to (so its only giving you 5psi instead of 7)

Back firing can be an exhaust leak (not just a sign of running rich)

From what I have read online, most people who have had this issue with the idle dropping were from atmosphere venting BOV’s but you said you have a stock recirc… I didn’t have any issues with my swap and I’m no car expert. I can meet up with you and put our cars side by side if you would like.
If you want to meet up, hit me with a PM… i can meet by the Canadian Tire at Mavis and Britanna that I always see you drive through

Vlad ftw. Put it under water and pressure tested it. Between the endtank and the core it was leaking bad…would only hold the 4-5 psi that i was getting out of the turbo. No visable cracks or damage…odd for a smic. should be smooth from here on out after i get another SMIC. Ill keep the thread updated if it solved which it most deffinatly will.


Vlad ftw. Put it under water and pressure tested it. Between the endtank and the core it was leaking bad…would only hold the 4-5 psi that i was getting out of the turbo. No visable cracks or damage…odd for a smic. should be smooth from here on out after i get another SMIC. Ill keep the thread updated if it solved which it most deffinatly will.[/quote]

haha gangster, dude i have one pm me, mine was cracked, the twisted pipe piece that bolts to the core itself was cracked so my core is fine, come pick it up, i have it ready for you, also when i replaced my cracked one, things got worse, only to discover my mafs was plugged lol

can anyone show me a pic of how they re-circulate the BOV ventilation?

alright she runs! and Gawwd…i :love: boost. Its atleast 20% improvement over the best ive ever felt out of this SR…Wow… :smiley: