Can't see your car in winter?

Just get a Christmas gift from your sister…it’s a 20x30 of MY car they had blown up and framed. suuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhweeeet. :slight_smile:


That’s a great gift. Very nice, Pat.

should get one of the Omni now and hang one on both sides

I got one for xmas
I’ll post a pic tomorrow

I’d want it to be a picture of my car WITH me in it

I see a big picture of slow…

good think its not a mustang. ford might claim the entire wall as theirs.

i have a picture of my Mustang like that…i should take it down and hide it lol

is it mandatory that you need to have the monitor on with nyspeed up?

Lets all get each other one of these.

thats cool broooo.

i see you cleaned up your computer room… :slight_smile:


it looks familiar but i just cant put my finger on it… :hmm:

picture taken while waiting 25 minutes for some dumbass to show up when he says 10 minutes…:slight_smile:

i had to J.O. bro


Thats awesome pat :tup: I always wanted to get one of those made of my cheese!