Caption Contest v. Lindy and Ryan

Tell me what was said.

“I’m having an affair with Syd.”

“I think I saw that move before, in the Winter Classic.”

Yo silver i’m really happy for you, i’m gonna let you finish, but gold is the best Olympic medal of all time!!!

“Can you believe we actually have to go back to Buffalo now?”

:lol: I was going to post the exact same thing. :highfive:

“About what happened earlier in the locker room, I’d really appreciate it if wasn’t ever mentioned again.”

“Now it just says ‘Mi’”

“After playing with these guys all week, don’t you dare quit on me when we get back to Buffalo.”


“You lost fair and square. You owe me a dollar.”

“Hey Lindy, I followed Dom’s Olympic ritual and banged your wife.”

“sweet nothings”…in a whispered tone.

“Silver is great and all, but if you let a goal like that in during the playoffs I will smash your face into a car windshield, and then take your mother, Teresa Miller, out for a nice seafood dinner and never call her again.”

“im not wearing any underwear”


“Don’t worry we’ll teabag him in the parking lot”

“I want to sex your beard.”


“Thanks buddy, take a day off”

Miller didnt play against Pitt first game back.

lol that one took me a second

“Okay, Now look left and cough for me.”