Car hit a pole 15' from me

So last night I was at my friends house watching a movie and we paused it to go out for a smoke. Sittin there on his porch talking when bam. Fucking Jeep Cherokee smacks the utility pole right in front of his house! 3 of the 4 passengers took off running, the driver climbed out and some woman that heard it grabbed him and took him inside her house (it was someone he knew because she was talking to him an saying his name). scared the shit out of me. My buddy got pics. it was bad. they broke the pole almost in half, pushed it about 3 feet through the dirt (yeah, actually knocked it from its base). I’ll post the pics when I can. it was fucked.

That sucks for that kid - utility poles are expensive. Its like 5 grand plus he’s going to have to pay for it. In for pics.

What part of town is your friends house?

hes by hoag and eckerson. It was a pretty epic utility pole beat down. The best part was when I was talking to the cop that showed up because I was a witness. he asked me what happened and the first thing I said was “I was just up in my room listening to my will smith cd…” (for those who don’t know, its a reference from an Eminem video). The cop got the reference and started laughing.


To bad they didn’t all die.

Did you manage to get injured by watching it?

LoL I hope the truck isn’t stolen.