car of the year

:naab: hahaaha


its the civic from the Honda Civic tour give away. designed by the AAR themselves apparently.

i wonder if anyone involved thought “this is looking like a horrible idea” before the car was finished, lol

lol I love the brass buttons on the seat. classic

Gossamer is not happy with the interior!

So a shitty bands take on a shitty car? Lol

That is so awesome, I really hope the band did this as a joke.

rattle can it away

that seriously hurt my eyes to look at

it wasnt as bad as i thought, like the band tho

the band is worse than the car.

how hideous.

fuck i love the band

Wow that thing fucking sucks.

I usually hate these stupid threads. Yeah, we get it, people have shitty taste and are poor.

This though…this is above and beyond terrible. This even worse auto-abuse than I could really ever imagine.

Good post

It’s more sad that Honda thought it’d be a good idea for a shitty band to pick the design. NO THANKS.

that has jail bait written all over it

They are seriously trying to sell that?

i like this post lol. a big:bigtup: in my book
