car or girl?

guy makes this post, then hasn’t responded. I am the only one on the entire board who think’s he’s talking about a car…

stupid elise drivers

lol. i think i get what your saying. but im not 100% sure

I hope this dude isn’t having sex with his cars.

That’d just be gross.

if he wants her back he should just give me the car

I’d have to agree it sounds like he’s pounding the car in the tailpipe.

hes talking about both, about how a new car made his girl take off

seems like the girl thinks he got the car because he wanted to be able to pick up girls or something.

if this guy is down with 14 yr olds, i see where the problem lies.

she obviously left because he bought his elise and started to beat her.

i think that he bought an elise and sold his acura RL and that’s all the thread is about…

and yes, elise owners are fucking retarded. The “what is the best watch to wear while driving an elise” thread is almost on page 10.

She left because guys who drive little red sports cars have small pushrods.

I think it would be rather hard to have sex in an Elise…though I’ve never been in one…Looks kinda cramped in there :gotme:

Wow. That thread should be titled “Douche bag roll call.”

ummm wow. just wow.

I think he is talking about the lack of reliablilty of the elise over the Acura. Prosonification to the cars as girls?

I hate people the refer to their cars as “she.”

Yeah seriously. Ive always just calle mine “piece of shit” or “fuck you you motherfucking shitbox”

rofl carl… the blazer was awesome. ill never forget that time behind target LOL

“The Elise” its defanitly a car.