Which is more likely to...

get you laid…

A Ferrari Enzo, or a Lotus Elise…???

Your thoughts, please…

(a disagreement between myself and Shalerpunk…)

right now— the lotus. only because a) girls dont know wtf a lotus is and b) it will look more “cute” than a enzo.

however, once they see how much each car costs, and the lotus becomes seen mor eon the street, the enzo wins

an elise is cute? cute like Shih Tzu cute or cute like 1987 CRX cute…?

cute like “gay ass vw cabriolet” cute…

if the price isnt involved i would say the lotus but you have to think at how a female would look at a car:

  • she would look at the color of it
  • if the wheels are big and shiny
  • price
  • if other people seemed to like it

i think both cars are paticularly ugly but function over fashion plus they both perform like no other.

EDIT: my girlfriend said the elise is what she likes better

Enzo. Elise looks like a fucking go-kart (size wise. They’re fucking tiny). Girl sees you in a tiny car… thinks you have a tiny… you see where im going with this. I dont see anything particularly masculine about climbing out of an Elise. And Enzo, however… (this thread needed these anyhow…)

Ferarri Enzo Length: 185"

Lotus Length: 149"

Mini Cooper Length: 144"

Enzo = 3 feet longer than a Elise

Elise = 5 incher longer than a Mini…


all girls have to do is hear “ferrari”


I think that dude is going to grab the guy’s ass that has his back turned! :eek3:


If a girl has sex with u because of your car its not really the car they care about, its just about how much the car cost. An enzo is a whole lot more than an elise so i would deff say an enzo by far.

this thread is pointless.

fatty said an enzo would get you laid, and an elise wouldn’t. i said an elise would get you laid too.

if i had to choose between the two, i’d take the lotus, a turbo kit, and a $700,000 house…

ture…or u could buy the enzo…have no money to shower…stink like shit…and a chick would never bang you b/c u live out of ur car…

but if u have money to buy the enzo…u prob. go money to live somewhere really nice…hahaha…

the thing I love about the Elise is that it’s the common man’s sports car. for $42k, you get a car that is:

*Faster than a Lamborghini Diablo
*Better on gas than a Toyota Corolla
*Cheaper than a Ford Excursion

Porn doesn’t do it for me… I whack off to reviews and pictures of the Elise… :smiley:

well one thing though…darkstar is right…it is a car that looks like a go kart…but it is an awsome car for its price

definetly the ferrari. most girls don’t know what a lotus is. every girl knows what a ferrari and the prancing horse mean.

Enzo, Lotus looks too much like an MR2

girls dont give a fuck about any of that.

Enzo, keep the price tag on it

is there any question here? enzo. just show her the steering wheel and she will be orgasming


women love money, theyre a bunch of thieving bitches :slight_smile: