Cardboard Warfare

Its got a car in it.


Super cool video.

Ciaran likes this.


Exactly what I’m saying ^.

^Gaynimation + too much time on hands and plenty of cardboard

Kinda gay

that was awesome.

that was too jokes, i LOL’d when i saw the cardboard tank, epic :smiley:


hot damn that’d be fun!


Sooooo awesome.

Of course Ahmed is the only person who doesn’t like it.

I thought it was cool. Should have cardboard plated the car though.


i liked it.

if ya aint got nothing nice to say, dont say nothin. why ppl gotta hate?

No no no… you’re doing it all wrong.

Theres a sticky for pics of your car. Put it there.

On a serious note, the katamari keychain was jokes, but i think xbox 360 did a better video.

and since we are talking xbox

lol both of those were pretty good and same with the first one. and i bet ahmed would have probably liked the original video had it not been posted by mark

I LOL’d pretty hard at that hitler one, “Don’t worry dear, hes not that desperate”. hahah.

I like it lol.

a_homanda or w/e your name is, get the sand out of your vagina, it was a cool video.

pretty neat someone put a lot of time into it.